Cappo Bulldogs 卡波英国斗牛俱乐部
Cappo’s Serge first time out crushes seasoned stolen Cappo’s Monkey. Well it was quit exciting day in the ring when scumbag Mr. Sun that states bought when of my stolen dogs had the balls to take it from Beijing to Shanghai to compete with China’s king of bulldogs Cappo。 Instead of ruining everyone’s day at the show fighting over the dog which he stated in paid for??? Cappo decided to just concentrate on kicking some ass in the ring. And that’s just what he did. Cappo not aware that the scumbags where attaining this show took one of his friends dogs Cappo’s Surge for a little gait in the ring! Surge gaiting around the ring as if he know he had to take this win for Cappo or maybe he just felt the confidence steaming out of Cappo pours. What every it was it was the most exciting show for Cappo and just go to show you what go around comes around. Once CKU and NGKC come out with DNA testing this dog and my other stolen dogs will be banned from all show and registries!
卡波’s 闪电初次参加比赛顺利干掉被偷的卡波’s Monkey! Surge serves justice!
在两年之前被郭骗子偷走的卡波先生9只英牛,其中的一只叫”卡波’s Monkey“现在是由一位孙先生所持有,经证实是孙先生跟郭骗子买的,但是他一直强调不是同郭骗子所偷的9只英牛中的其中1只,而是所谓由台湾方面繁殖的Cherokee后代血系。经过卡波先生数次诚意的沟通还有请求,希望能看看这只英牛的父母照片。但是:奇怪的事情发生了,孙先生他就像老鼠一样,转来转去就是拿不出”卡波’s Monkey“父母的任何一张照片。郭骗子即孙先生对”CKU“居然拿假的血统证书欺骗”CKU“及所有热爱英牛的朋友们。虽然目前”CKU“不会用DNA的方法来测试及认定犬只的血统,但我相信,在不久的将来”CKU“就会跟”NGKC“一样使用DNA的方法来测试及认定犬只的血统。但我相信,事实会证明一切,在未来的日子:被偷的”卡波’s Monkey和被偷的卡波’s 马博“还有他的所有的后代血统都会被”CKU“协会所注销。就像是那天在赛场上闪电消灭了那只黑牛一样!在这里我奉劝所有爱玩牛的朋友们,不要买来路不明的黑牛,弄到最后血统证书通通都是假的还被注销,这可是非常的得不偿失,卡波先生在这里建议大家:不要支持非法偷牛及办假证的买卖黑牛行为!卡波英国斗牛俱乐部
左边是卡波被偷的-卡波's Monkey, 左边卡波被偷的马博
Cappo's Surge first BOB he has already put on 8 pounds since retuning home. There was not much time for prepare for the show but Surge held up till about picture time. hahahaha
卡波's 闪才回来卡波不到2周顺利干掉被偷的卡波's Monkey。他的表现真不错的到要拍赏励照时已经没什么耐心。没关系闪电已经壮了5公斤。下周会找时间多多拍他放上来!
Surge already starting to put on some weight!
Surge flying around the ring. How do you think he got his name. He can move!
Surge and Cappo poor stolen dog Cappo's Monkey showing there stuff! 卡波's 闪电和可怜被偷的卡波's Monkey
Am I done yet? This is more than you told me it would be! hahhahaha
Poor Cappo's Monkey heading back to Beijing. Tell you the truth that I was just a little upset that one of my dogs lost. Anyone it was CAPPO VS. CAPPO how could Cappo lose! hahhahhahaahahah!
可怜的被偷的卡波's Monkey乖乖跑回北京了。卡波先生也有一点难过他有一个卡波的牛输掉了。反正比赛本来有一点不公平卡波VS卡波。谁赢谁输都是卡波的牛赢得!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!
Surge in group came up short. But my bitch Cappo Laleepop already took a RBEST in Show in her Class. Cappo is not going to win everything!
卡波's Monkey被退场了后卡波's闪电还可以比全场第一名。但卡波's 棒棒糖已经得了青年组全场第二名。卡波不能什么都赢了。下次再加油!
1月2011年冠军卡波's 闪电不会让偷狗大骗子欺负老外!
卡波's 闪电感觉比74公斤卡波还要大!牛!!!!
Cappo Bulldogs
Richard Cappo卡波
斗牛犬,英国斗牛犬, 卡波英国斗牛俱乐部,卡波英国斗牛犬舍,卡波犬舍,上海卡波,要买英牛斗牛犬,
出售英国斗牛, 赛级斗牛
上海出售英国斗斗牛犬,全国-世界-卖英牛斗牛犬, 出售英国斗牛, 卖赛级斗牛犬, Cappo Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, Shanghai Bulldogs
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