Cappo's Soldier 17个月大 让牛说话其他是吹牛或作弊!
Check out the 80% uncut version of this bullshit show
我是Richard Cappo一位美国人已经来中国8年,8年前开国际贸易公司。因为我怕我写英文一些意思没翻译正确,我还是写中文好一些,请原谅我美国式中文。7年前我在一家宠物店买了一只斗牛犬。没想到那只近亲全身疾病犬会改变我们的生活方式。我们全家4口都非常爱它。但天天治疗疾病和它在1岁半突然离开我们让我们认为买斗牛犬在中国是一件非常痛苦悲伤的事情。我们决定不想让更多人像我们受这种苦。我就决定引进美国冠军优秀血统来改善中国斗牛血统。真想要提高斗牛中国品质开始繁殖优秀卡波斗牛俱乐部的幼犬。我从美国已经引进6只美国冠军。从CKU刚成立我非常相信-热烈支持贵公司的优越制度。本来我有很多卡波会员对血统证书登记一点观念都没有,是我亲自慢慢教他们贵协会的重要性。因为我非常清楚CKU会像美国AKC协会怎么规范制度也会帮助-我和我的会员。每一只卡波的牛都会保留正确后代的消息和会保护会员登记犬的安全性。预防别人偷犬和没经过犬主同意繁殖别人的犬。我一直想谢谢您找一个时间跟您聊聊认识,这首创观念提供怎么好的组织在中国帮助真正的繁殖者们! 我们以前认为CKU主办的FCI比赛都是中国经营最好犬赛真没想到会作假作弊事情。但应为在我身上发生一些不能接受侮辱。上次我们参加FCI CKU郑州犬赛发现裁判作假的事宜了不可能不告知您,请求您的帮助。第一作弊的主人会员-孙旭先生的牛实在不是很好看的。就算是一只宠物级的牛。一点不大气,没什么气质,身上明显缺点真是太多了。非常多的看赛人士们也不一定很了解这品种一看能看的懂好跟坏。连说裁判有不同价值观念也说不过去。这不是一个有档次的牛。这次郑州比赛第一天我的女儿也牵一只美国冠军法国斗牛犬。我们输了两次。因为骗子们孙旭先生的法牛还可以而且赛场比赛表现比较正常真没想到他们已经买了BOB. 但到了英牛表现真令人吃惊!赛场表现真做太假了。骗子孙旭先生早就预定好英牛录像。但真没想到他的牛当天比赛完成不了裁判指定的动作。特别在日本裁判比赛时,先不说狗品质好坏,场上的表现真的是太糟糕了,竟然还能赢得比赛,孙旭先生比赛前一周早透过网络开始吹牛他的牛多好等等。大家都认为很怪。(第一)他的牛很一般(第二)这次会碰到斗牛King-卡波斗牛俱乐部。连我在比赛前都保持低调。真正的公平比赛也可能发生犬表现不好或到赛场扭脚,犬发脾气等等‘或无法参赛等等。我这趟FCI CKU郑州比赛真学得到中国一些美国人不是非常明白的地方。什么比赛什么节目都可以用钱买的。我认为当一个美国人根本玩不过一些垃圾骗子们。真没他们的本事。但我真看孙旭没本事引进什么好牛,所以我们各有所长吧!我不可能因为垃圾改变我任何行为!我当一个笨蛋老外很光明正大公布要去郑州比赛的犬,心想让CKU参赛和观看人数增加,但骗子们却忙着找关系买赢卡波的头衔。但骗子们还是不懂一个真正繁殖者的意义。第一个是让大家能信任你的人品,你繁殖的成果,不懂牛的人买你家有保障的牛及品质跟价格符合,买牛的真实血统等等。繁殖者真能帮助大家提高斗牛的品质。这种安排好的比赛结果真破坏去比赛的所有乐趣跟意义。我很相信陈主席也认同我看法。也知道不可能允许作弊行为在贵协会里发生!
下面是郑州比赛过程描述和信里面也包括一些比赛照片。我也包括一个网络连接可以看犬展天下拍的比赛过程剪辑版。 我认为原始录像会清楚很多。你肯定会跟我们一样认为这不是犬赛但是一些不是很有技巧的演员在演戏!请贵协会要求一份分析一下。犬展天下不愿意接我的电话更不愿意卖给我们当天未剪辑的视频。又一个太诡异的事情。愿意给钱也不敢卖?公开比赛过程原始版怎么会那么保密呢?
在Judges Mr. Shinichi Sonoda CACIB日本裁判比赛部分。孙旭的牛SHOW的表现真太差了。第一不肯走好。走是不顺。加一点跳。根本无法摆好裁判的要求。等得很长的时间。感觉裁判一直在等他们秀好。感觉比赛只为了他们。录像做了很多剪接所以一点看不到,在录像带里38秒之前裁判等他们只是30秒和是他们走的两次直线。58秒之前牵导师因为牛非常不听话打了狗一拳。明显没拍到他们走半圈根本不肯走的。两只牛要最后审判之前孙旭的英牛吐了。你可以看到清洁工打扫吐。孙旭的牛跟牵导师在我后面一阵才稍微稳定下来了。日本裁判很有耐心等了。孙旭的牛脸还满脸泡沫因为刚吐完了日本裁判给他们WIN。这位日本裁判不敢看我就走了。不敢跟我机会握手。在中国和国外从来没遇到这样子不尊重一个人的纯在专业裁判。但还没遇到下一位裁判来自俄罗斯Mrs. Sviatiana Radziuk CAC。
Judge Mrs. Sviatiana Radziuk CAC俄罗斯裁判要我们把30+公斤斗牛犬放在那么高的化妆台子上面已经算有一点不专业。但作弊干嘛真的很认真鉴定这些牛?
你把孙旭的牛嘴巴比起来。一个傻子可以看出来有非常失格的地方- 漏齿。看录像或静态都是漏齿。我认为一个FCI 裁判非常懂咬合。以前我带来几个斗牛犬比赛获得BIG1 但没有更高因为说的咬合他们认为不够勾上去等等。更不用说漏齿。我根本不会浪费大家时间带怎么明显瑕疵去比赛。其他的明显的瑕疵-头不大,耳位高,格子偏小,身体偏短 影响到 TOP LINE背线,肋股不够厚。身体单薄。尾巴失格真没看过这样子的尾巴,尾位也高。孙旭这只牛明显不是我当天带的第一场在中国就得到全场总冠军的CAPPO’S 军官(斗牛犬)不是 同档次的牛,一只宠物一只赛级。
比赛后了解的非常异事情第1. 一些贵协会的会员看到作弊会员-孙旭先生-的参赛的斗牛犬被CKU工作人员的车接送返回北京。 怎么可能有CKU工作会员送参赛会员的犬接送? 2.经了解听到会员朋友说孙旭先生是提供所有的郑州CKU犬赛奖杯给赛制部。怎么可能有提供或跟这场比赛有任何金钱关系还能参赛。结果真的会公平吗?我认为看原始录像和照片,请专家鉴定这两位裁判作假行为。再加认为有作假行为会员-孙旭先生的斗牛犬被CKU工作员送回北京。孙旭先生提供CKU郑州犬赛奖杯等等。我真认为这些资料足够做一个非常好的例子好好处理任何CKU贪污的工作人员和裁判。
所以我请求贵协会的主席。请你看重这件事情。请您帮助我查清楚谁在破坏FCI CKU非常令人尊敬的名声。希望这事件做出一个很好的例子。让大家知道CKU主席,秘书长们不允许这种行为。要是发生所有的贪污的工作人员,会员,裁判都会被从CKU取缔。
我还是非常相信CKU陈金飞主席。秘书长们。真在乎,负责CKU协会未来成长不可能允许作弊的行为。这次要做出一个好例子-中国FCI-CKU不作弊的行为。这真不是一件很漂亮的事情。还是让老外们任何这些事情不会在中国 FCI CKU发生。CKU自己内部应该好好处理!CKU调查结果发现-翻译,任何部门小人物帮忙设计这件作假都应该被开除。这两位裁判等等都需要做一个很好的例子。避免这些恶心新闻漫长。CKU不允许会接受贿赂裁判来他的赛场。要是再发现也会一样受严重的处罚。买了假奖励的会员也被贵协会踢出来和让别人知道CKU一点不允许作弊会员在FCI CKU主办的赛场。
非常谢谢陈主席的时间和期待您完善的调查结果。希望陈主席能帮我们争取正义!让FCI CKU公平比赛名声会到以前的光荣!
这是犬展天下的链接。偷日斗牛CKU郑州犬赛BIG2 和 BIG4
Richard Cappo
Cappo Bulldogs
CELL #13061669777
CKU 会员8599 FCI Cappo Canines # 5152
Reporting of Tainted FCI- CKU Dog Show Zhengzhou, China September 17-18, 2011
Dear Mr. Yves De Clercq,
My name is Richard Cappo and I am an American citizen residing in Shanghai, China for the past 8 years. I have been a member of CKU China FCI since its founding in 2005. My International Kennel names are Cappo Canines Kennel and Cappo TW Kennel. We attended several of the shows that CKU held near Shanghai in 2005 and after, and felt they were fair, well-run, and professionally judged competitions. However, over the years we have heard rumors of cheating and tainted competitions. For example, we have heard that participants have been able to buy BOB or BIG placements and more. It seems to be common knowledge that shows are fixed in different venues throughout China. However, we did not think this would happen at a FCI CKU show. We were surprised and disappointed, therefore, at the events that took place at the Zhengzhou, China show that was held on September 17-18, 2011.
Judges Mr. Shinichi Sonoda CACIB and Mrs. Sviatiana Radziuk CAC both showed unprofessional Judging methods and clearly, unfairly give a Chinese puppy farm member a win in every event they entered in these shows. About two weeks before the show we announced that we would be taking about 5 bulldogs including my daughter’s Fenchie to this show. This certainty was a very stupid foreigner thing to do because it gave Mr. Sun Xu time to contact his relationship with the people at CKU and give the time to talk over with the Judges who to give the wins to and how much money they would receive.
Let me start explaining what happen at the show.
On the first day we competing against Mr. Sun Xu dogs we entered-
FCI Standard NO. 101 French Bulldog
Frenchie in question of Cheating- Wu Song of Zi Do Bao FCI KCT FB 00111/10 owner Mr. Sun XU
My Frenchie AM CH EB APOLLO CKU-101000139/11 Owner my daughter Nicole and Richard Cappo
We lost under both Judges Mr. Shinichi Sonoda CACIB and Mrs. Sviatiana Radziuk CAC even thought, we thought it was a bit strange especially under a Japanese Judge that seem to always like the look of American breed Champion because a lot are imported into Japan. But both Mr. Sun’s and our dog showed well so we thought it’s a dog show and winning and losing is almost like flipping a coin.
But on the second day of the shows everything was not so right.
First under Judge Shinichi Sonoda CACIB
Bulldog FCI Standard No. 149
BIS Cappo’s Soldier CKU-149000545/11 our dog
Dog accused of Cheating La Chata Quijote L.O.E 1958771
Mr. Sun Xu dog come out in very bad style. Around the first circle his dog was not able to gaiting correctly because jumping up and down and trying to chase my dog. After the first circle, I stacked my dog very quick and Judge Shinichi went over him without a move. Then we did a perfect up and back and another round and restacked quickly and waited for their dog to do the same. Mr. Sun’s dog was a little uncontrollable taking a long time to settle down before being able to be looked over. He had to did a few ups and backs before they were acceptable and was not able to do the last circle with at all. The handle at this point had enough and punched the dog and then it puked. As I was waiting and watch the circus of a show I watched Judge Shinichi waiting for this dog to finish awarding this dog the win. Upon giving the win to this dog it face was still covered with foamy puke and a person from CKU was cleaning the puke of the show floor. Unbelievable! It was like the show was all waiting on this dog to try to show. Not only was this dog not the better dog according bulldog standard but this dog was not able to show correct conduct for a show. Mr. Shinichi is from a handler background and we’re sure would expect at least a well behaved dog that was able to be show correctly. His attitude to me was also strangely cold and did not look at me in the eyes or let me shake his hand. We have never come across this behavior before being that I am usually only the only foreigner at the shows and there is a little mutual respect here. This was also the same thing with the next Judge Mrs. Sviatiana Radziuk.
Under the Mrs. Sviatiana Radziuk CAC
Same dogs-
Bulldog FCI Standard No. 149
Cappo’s Soldier CKU-149000545/11
Dog accused of Cheating La Chata Quijote L.O.E 1958771
Judge Sviatiana Radziuk CAC first told us to put the bulldogs on a high dog make up table. This we felt was quite unprofessional because not everyone is able to pick up a 25KG+ bulldog and put them on such a high table. But everyone Judge has their own way of doing things and maybe her back was hurting. Putting the dogs on the table would also give them a nice look at their heads and jaws which is critical in judging bulldogs. My dog has an excellent head and jaw to standard. Mr. Sun is Ok but the jaw always has the bottom teeth stick out unable to be totally covered by the lips. How could a judge from Russia after putting a bulldog on a high table and closing his mouth not notice that not any breed that I know permits the teeth to be showing at all times. Also under Russian and other FCI judges they were also jaw crazy and explained to me why I did not win because my dogs jaw was- “lack of turn up” a little “Wry” or other areas that need improvement. After looking over the dogs we both went around in a final circle. Dogs where stack. My dog was stacked very quickly and waited for Judge, the other dog was always moving around. Then there was card giving to me and the Chinese women told me- “you can go.” I did not understand what was going on because Mrs. Radziuk did not point clearly anyone as a winner (hand circling around) but I was just handed a card and told to leave. She did not look me in the eye and it was very disrespectful display of judging with her hand going back and forth and the translator saying to leave. I don’t think she has been taking bribes often because it was a very unnatural display of Judging. Mr Shinichi Sonoda seem much better on his fake judging but was very unlucky that the dog did not show at all putting him into a embarrassing position to have to put up a dog that got punched and puked all over the show floor. I am including pictures and already edited video of this show. This video was purchase before the show by Mr. Sun. You could say he know he was going to win -that they had the show fixed. I tried to buy the unedited version but they would not sell it for any price. FCI China CKU could threaten to not let them film at future shows if they do not let them (FCI) see the unedited version of the video to help investigate into the cheating. But CKU is not willing to help investigate into this matter. So I am forced to bring this up to FCI international. I would like to help warn all members that China FCI CKU show are not fairly run and this problem should be addressed now before it takes all the enjoyment out of going to China FCI and FCI International dog shows. Also Judges getting use to receiving extra money at the corrupt Chinese Show will be more than happy to take more bribes in other countries. If this kind of behavior continues it will really bring down the integrity of all FCI shows throughout the world. Judges should be warned that taking brides will cost them their jobs. China FCI – CKU should keep tighter control over their shows, the people inviting FCI Judges to come to China and their translators and other people who are might be involved in collect money to give wins. FCI member giving bribes should have their membership revoked and be banned from all future FCI Shows. I still have the upmost respect for most FCI judges, that they would not under any circumstance take a bribe and give a win to an inferior dog but this was certainly not the case with these two Judges and they should not be able do this in the future!
If this is sent to the wrong person, please let me know and please forward this letter to the correct person in charge of these matters.
Thanking you in advance for you help.
Richard Cappo
Registration Name- Cappo Canines # 5152 also Cappo TW # 005287, CKU # 8599
Cappo Bulldogs
The edited Video of these two Judges can be watch here-
Why is this version so different from the one we had to pay off someone to buy an 80% original copy. (SEE BELOW) Why would a legitimate dog show have to worry about an original video of a normal dog show being released? What should there be to hide?
Japanese Judge seeing piece of shit pet out of control. 日本收黑钱的裁判看的很清楚这只漏齿宠物牛根本不能摆好。指导师很用力抓着小单薄破牛的脖子。真是看笑话!
Now compare BIS Cappo’s Soldier outstanding showmanship. Looking at the fucking Japanies Asswipe in the face. Saying your are a cheating piece of dog shit! 比一下全场总冠军卡波's 军官非常稳定摆的很优秀看着CKU请的大骗子裁判!军官说你是一块收贿赂的狗屎!
BIS Cappo‘s Soldier patiencely waits for the cheating dog to stack. He did not stack a side view because the pet has a short back and no top line. Of course the Judge does not state to him to try to stack side view. What is this fucking group? FCI CKU Show are full of shit!
日本裁判也等不及想快一点结束这恶魔。表现怎么差的破牛还要给它作弊自己心里也很难受。破牛稳定不下来。CKU员工忙着清洁赛场。裁判给买奖励的牛赢时。破牛还瞒着泼墨的呕吐。这景这搞笑。郑州FCI CKU是犬赛或马戏团!
Under the Russian Judge she had us put the scumbag cheater dog on a high grooming table. Real professional! I would like to see a 50+ year old grannie from the US perform this task. Anyways this cheating judge should be able to get a good look at our bullies jaws. WoW all the bottom teeth are showing to prefection! 接受贿赂的俄罗斯真很仔细看这两只牛的头版和咬合吗?狗日破牛第地包天。怎么弄下面6颗牙齿一直抱不住。怎么大的瑕疵怎么破的牛钱应该收的不少吧!
Now look at Best in Show Cappo’s Soldier. Nice upturn of jaw without teeth show at any time. Look no hands on the jaw. This FCI CKU Zheng Zhuo Dog show Judges did some bad acting and everyone at the show thought FCI CKU Judge are scumbag cheaters. No one could be this stupid. 全场总冠军卡波's 军官头版非常漂亮很有气质。怎么摆咬合完美一点不漏齿。全观众在看FCI CKU请来的两位骗子裁判。真感觉去CKU犬赛没意思。太虚假。不是审查犬好不好是看谁付的钱最多。真没意思!
Look at these toplines. The pet to the right is stacked futher out and on a little of a 45 degree angle but this doesn't hide the fact this pet is short- straight backed and never able to be stacked correctly. Even it's personality was that of a mutt! 右边宠物级的牛背线实在太难看了。太短了,太直了,长腿。比率失调。连性格是不稳定的渣种。一直稳定不下来的破牛!
What a pretty pet. What are you doing at this show? Short backed, broad ribbed, nice long legs. Staight hocks. But that's not all look at this tail. I really have not see this kind of tail before. We can learn about faultly tail from this dog. Guess it could be used in bulldog educations as an example of shit! 让牛说话其他是吹牛屁!这牛有小,有单薄,腿又长,身体短。比率失调。还有这这什么尾巴。真没看过怎么畸形尾巴。这牛在美国斗牛学习课程可以拿来用看畸形破是什么样子。肯定要花钱买奖励。但花钱买比赛永远不可能把破牛变成好牛。破牛繁殖好牛。
Nice Win picture with it bottom teeth showing to perfection. Is this a bitch or a dog. Looks like a skinny bitch to us. 让牛说话其他是吹牛屁! 这牛买的奖励照拍的真好。破牛小,单薄。Yes在漏齿。这只宠物级的牛没睾丸还认为是一只一般母牛。在卡波这里这只宠物级的牛一万多最多。
This is BIS Cappo‘s Soldier in his first show at almost 6 months olds. He is already much more solid and prettier than the cheaters pet! 比一下全场总冠军卡波's 军官初次比赛顺利获得BEST IN SHOW。不到6个月大已经比作弊的破牛壮有气质。CKU什么什么要好好处理你们办虚假的比赛的事情。我真认为CKU陈金飞绝对不会允许作弊在他的地盘里!
BEST IN SHOW CAPPO’s SOLDIER what a pretty boy. His next show was another BIS.
全国爱牛着不可能轻易让FCI CKU允许作假破坏犬赛的乐趣跟意义。大家很有耐心等待CKU主席陈金飞调查结果!CKU工作人员接送作弊的会员的犬。CKU跟作弊的会员购买半年奖杯。这做的太贪污了。CKU负责人请好好处理你协会的贪污人员。证明你跟这件事情无关。做出了一个好例子不让这种事情再发生。让大家再能相信FCI CKU是办公平比赛。不是一个难看的马戏团!
Richard Cappo
86- 1306-166-9777
Judge requesting us to show fronts! This Judge will show some bad acting. 收贿赂的黑裁判告诉卡波跟作弊的犬秀前面。Cheater dog in conplete control here. His dog trying to stiff my dogs ass! 狗日超赛级犬非常会听专业指导师的话。闻卡波的牛的屁股。真搞笑!
Control your pet buddy! 狗日的牛真会跳!裁判怎么有耐心!
Cappo just getting ready to stack his dog. Let’s watch to see if the cheater‘s dog can do this? kb大家看看这只超赛级作弊的牛能不能做得到怎么简单的要求?
Hello buddy what you doing? Let's get this acting out right you need to try to show me this dogs front or it's going to look to fake. 裁判要草赛级的牛摆一个前面。慢慢看未来的笑话!
The handler and Pet have no idea what's going on. Judge going over telling them- let's get this circus going. 早赛级牛跟指导师傻傻的裁判要过去教他们怎么做。卡波真要学习专业牵导师技术!
Come on buddy people are going to catch on the shows fixed!
QQ- 815168174
斗牛犬,英国斗牛犬, 卡波英国斗牛俱乐部,卡波英国斗牛犬舍,卡波犬舍,上海卡波,要买英牛斗牛犬,
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